

The Caesar Cipher is a basic cryptographic shift algorithm. This is a substitution cipher where each character in the message is replaced with a letter by shifting a corresponding to a certain number up or down the list of alphabets.

In this way a message which was readable initially can be put in a form called cipher text that cant be understood at a simple glance.

Julius Caesar, the Roman ruler, used a very simple cipher for secret communication with his army generals. He substituted each letter of the alphabet with a letter three positions further along.

The Caesar Cipher can be expressed in a more mathematical form as follows:

                                                En(x) = (x+n) mod 26

In plain terms, this means that the encryption of a letter x is equal to a shift of x + n, where n is the number of letters shifted. The result of the process is then taken under modulo division, essentially meaning that if a letter is shifted past the end of the alphabet, it wraps around to the beginning.

Decryption of the encrypted text (ciphertext) would be defined similarly, with instead a subtraction of the shift amount.

                                                Dn(x) = (x-n) mod 26

Here is the python code for encrypting data stored in a local file input_file.txt and store the encrypted format in another local file called encrypt_file.txt and also has option to decrypt the ciphered text and put the resultant message into a local file decrypt_file.txt  ,

import random

alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
key = random.randint(1, 26)

def encrypt():
    position = list()
    res = ""
    f = raw_input("Enter your filename\n")
    fhand = open(f,'r')
    str = fhand.read()
    for i in range(len(str)):

    for i in range(len(str)):
        if str[i] != " ":
            position[i] = (position[i]+key)%26
            res = res + alphabet[position[i]]
        else: res = res + " "
    fhand = open("encrypt_file.txt",'w')

def decrypt():
    position = list()
    res = ""
    fhand = open("encrypt_file.txt",'r')
    str = fhand.read()
    for i in range(len(str)):

    for i in range(len(str)):
        if str[i] != " ":
            position[i] = position[i]-key
            if position[i] < 0:
                position[i] = 26 + position[i]
            res = res + alphabet[position[i]]
        else: res = res + " "
    fhand = open("decrypt_file.txt",'w')
    print res

option = {1 : encrypt,
    2: decrypt,

    print("menu:\n1. Encrypt a string\n2. decrypt a string\n")
    choice = raw_input("enter your option\n")
    ch = raw_input("Do you want to continue(1/0)")
    if ch == '0':

The caesar cipher can be broken in milliseconds using automated tools. since there are only 25 possible keys i.e. each possible shift of the alphabet. we can try decrypting the ciphertext using each key and determine the fitness of each decryption. this forms a solution as we know is brute force and possible only for simple ciphering techniques like this approach.

The crux of the approach depends on determining the fitness of a piese of deciphered text. this is done by calculating the statistics of the deciphered text and compare these statistics to those calculated from standard english text. a fitness function will give us a number, the higher the number the more likely the particular key is correct one. for this session we will use quadgram statistics for better results as its probability to find the exact result is higher than bigram and trigram statistics.

This method workds by first determininig the statistics of english text. then calculating the likely hood that the ciphertext comes from the same distribution. as incorrectly deciphered message will probably contain sequences eg. ‘qkpc’ which are very rarre in normal english. in this way we can rank decryption keys. the decryption key we want is the one that produces deciphered text with fewest rare sequences.

If our cipher text is the following:

To find out what the original was, we try decryting a piece of cipheredtext with each of the 25 possible keys, calculating fitness for each trial decryption.

key           plaintext                     fitness
1: xligeiwevgmtlivmwsrisjxliievpm..., -442.22
2: wkhfdhvduflskhulvrqhriwkhhduol..., -495.20
3: vjgecguctekrjgtkuqpgqhvjggctnk..., -484.13
4: uifdbftbsdjqifsjtpofpguiffbsmj..., -490.73
5: thecaesarcipherisoneoftheearli..., -246.02
6: sgdbzdrzqbhogdqhrnmdnesgddzqkh..., -485.69
7: rfcaycqypagnfcpgqmlcmdrfccypjg..., -481.17
8: qebzxbpxozfmebofplkblcqebbxoif..., -478.19
9: pdaywaownyeldaneokjakbpdaawnhe..., -415.66
10: oczxvznvmxdkczmdnjizjaoczzvmgd..., -488.75
11: nbywuymulwcjbylcmihyiznbyyulfc..., -490.46
12: maxvtxltkvbiaxkblhgxhymaxxtkeb..., -490.82
13: lzwuswksjuahzwjakgfwgxlzwwsjda..., -483.63
14: kyvtrvjritzgyvizjfevfwkyvvricz..., -475.01
15: jxusquiqhsyfxuhyieduevjxuuqhby..., -466.90
16: iwtrpthpgrxewtgxhdctduiwttpgax..., -458.49
17: hvsqosgofqwdvsfwgcbscthvssofzw..., -474.67
18: gurpnrfnepvcurevfbarbsgurrneyv..., -460.86
19: ftqomqemdoubtqdueazqarftqqmdxu..., -467.13
20: espnlpdlcntaspctdzypzqespplcwt..., -454.29                                                 
21: dromkockbmszrobscyxoypdrookbvs..., -461.91
22: cqnljnbjalryqnarbxwnxocqnnjaur..., -479.58
23: bpmkimaizkqxpmzqawvmwnbpmmiztq..., -473.52
24: aoljhlzhyjpwolypzvulvmaollhysp..., -474.57
25: znkigkygxiovnkxoyutkulznkkgxro..., -494.13

The fitness of each of the text is shown above, with text corresponding to a key of 5 showing a much higher fitness than other possible keys (it may be confusing because the scores are negative, here we chose the least negative scoreas being the highest fitness.). we could have also tried reading each sentence to find which one is readable but this becomes impractical when there are many possible keys.

Quadgram statistics as fitness measure

When trying to break ciphers, its often useful to try deciphering with many different keys, then look at the deciphered text. if the text looks very like english we consider the key is a good one.

What we need is a way of determining if a piece of text is very like english. this is achieved by counting quadgrams or group of 4 letters.
eg: for the text attack, quadgrams are: atta, ttac, and tack.

To use quadgram to detemine how similar test is to english, we first need to know which quadgrams occur in english. to do this we take a large piece of text, for eaxmple several books worth of text, and count each of quaddgrams that occur in them. we then divide these counts by the total number of quadgrams encountered to find the probability of each.

If we count the quadgrams in tolstoy's "war and peace", we have roughly 2,500,000 total quadgrams after all spaces and punctuation are removed. the probability of a specific quadgram is calculated by dividing the count of that quadgram by the total number of quadgrams in our training corpus. the log probability is simply the logarithm of this number. a few specific counts:

quadgram           count           log probability
aaaa                      1                             -6.4001876
qkpc                     0                              -9.4001876
your                            1132                 -3.3463412
tion                             4694                 -2.7286445
atta                              359                  -3.8450932

The table above shows that some quadgrams occur much more often than other quadgrams, this can be used to determine how similar to english a specific piece of text is. if the text contains qpkc, it is probably not english, but if it contains tion, it is much more likely to be english.

To compute the probability of a piece of text being english, we must extract all the quadgrams, then multiply each of the quadgram probabilities.

For the text attack, the quadgrams are atta, ttac, and tack. the total probability is

where e.g.

In the equation above, count is the number of times the quadgram occured, n is the total number of quadgrams in the training sample.

When multiplying many small probabilities, numerical underflow (is a condition in a computer program where the result of a calculation is a number of smaller absolute value than the computer can actually store in memory.) can occur in floating point numbers. for this reason, the logarithm is taken of each probability.

The well known identity log(a*b) = log(a)+log(b) is used, so the final log probability is

This log probability is used as the 'fitness' of a piece of text, a higher number means it is more likely to be english, while a lower number means it is less likely to be english.

Here is the code to break the Caesar cipher text:


from math import log10

class ngram_score(object):
    def __init__(self,ngramfile,sep=' '):
        ''' load a file containing ngrams and counts, calculate log probabilities '''
        self.ngrams = {}
        for line in file(ngramfile):
            key,count = line.split(sep) 
            self.ngrams[key] = int(count)
        self.L = len(key)
        self.N = sum(self.ngrams.itervalues())
        #calculate log probabilities
        for key in self.ngrams.keys():
            self.ngrams[key] = log10(float(self.ngrams[key])/self.N)
        self.floor = log10(0.01/self.N)

    def score(self,text):
        ''' compute the score of text '''
        score = 0
        ngrams = self.ngrams.__getitem__
        for i in xrange(len(text)-self.L+1):
            if text[i:i+self.L] in self.ngrams: score += ngrams(text[i:i+self.L])
            else: score += self.floor          
        return score


import re
from ngram_score import ngram_score
fitness = ngram_score('english_quadgrams.txt') # load our quadgram statistics
from pycipher import Caesar
def break_caesar(ctext):
    # make sure ciphertext has all spacing/punc removed and is uppercase
    ctext = re.sub('[^A-Z]','',ctext.upper())
    # try all possible keys, return the one with the highest fitness
    scores = []
    for i in range(26):
    return max(scores)
# example ciphertext
fhand = open("encrypt_file.txt",'r')
ctext = fhand.read()
max_key = break_caesar(ctext)

print 'best candidate with key (a,b) = '+str(max_key[1])+':'
print Caesar(max_key[1]).decipher(ctext)

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